Beauty Schools > Austin, TX > Austin Metro Area

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Austin Beauty Schools in Austin, Texas


Beauty Schools (4)

Central Texas Beauty College ( )

Central Texas Beauty College offers cosmetology and manicuring courses for a fraction of the cost of other schools. Salon services are offered to the public at reduced rates - they are performed by students and supervised by licensed instructors. CTBC is accredited by NACCAS and Federal Pell Grants are available to those who qualify. We also accept the GI Bill and other State assistance. Come see us before you decide! We look forward to having you!  512.244.2235

Baldwin Beauty Schools ( )

512.458.4127 - North Austin
512.441.6898 - South Austin

Bella Beauty College ( )

512.454.2781 - North Austin
512.444.6398 - South Ausitn

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Hair dresser image from by marin